Friday, January 28, 2022

The corporate fox

They can't code.
They can't architect.
They can't sell.
They aren't the customer.

Yet, they act as if they are the one who owns the product, the company and the account just because they interface with the customer.

"The customer wants ..." is lashed along with every unreasonable request while product teams wonder who hired this specimen.

One of the evils of working on the development side is having to own everything from POC to release while everyone else types "ASAP" on their keyboards. Specially the ones who do the least.

If you are one of those who are invoking the 'customer' on every request, then you need to understand that you get paid to interface with the customer, manage the stress without contributing any.

On the other hand, If you are among the doers and makers, then know that you are not alone and you can pass this post to the specimen in question as an eye opener.



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