fifty percent of humanity hoards all the skilled job opportunities because the women may not be safe in certain kinds of jobs, but then we forget to address one question - what is the source of threat to the women folks ?
In the majority of the otherwise peaceful world the fifty percent of humanity lives in constant fear of the other fifty percent, some civilization we have created isn't it ?
I see so much hue and cry about protecting trees, animals, environment etc while numerous women are being killed, abused, raped every day but the world has gradually become desensitised to the urgency of solving this problem at once.
Saving animals and trees has merit indeed but saving women should be the first priority and concern for the whole world before global warming, whales and ozone layer since it is question of saving humanity itself.
The United Nations fourth World Conference on Women held in Beijing, China in the month of sep 1995 resolved action for equality in section D which also covered various threats to the women ( complete text is at ).
About a quarter of a century later we are no better than what we were in 1995 and this is more or less the same everywhere, irrespective of the decorated tags a society attached to it.
With this post I'm trying to highlight the fact that irrespective of the level of enlightenment and evolution we claim to have attained, we are blind to the faults in the basic fabric of humanity.
I hope to see a day where rape is a thing of past and so is human trafficking, you just thought it is impossible, that's what this post highlights.
Thoughts ?
#womenempowerment #womenhealthmatters #women #rapeculture #humanfactor